SIGNS OF FAMILIARITY- By Shepherd Godwin Nii Boye





1.Familiarity is shown when someone
comments about things that are above him.

 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying ,be it far from thee ,Lord:this shall not be unto thee.

           Matthew 16:22

God took a decision to send his only begotten son to come and die on earth to save the whole world from their terrible sins that's would have led the whole to eternal destruction.
Here comes Peter making his own comments to Jesus  about the decision God has made concerning the whole worlds salvation.

Peter had wanted to hinder Christ from going to the cross by his comments.

And said unto him, All these things will I give you, if you will fall down and worship me.
                  Matthew 4:9

Satan commented on the main reason why Christ came to the earth.
Christ refused to go through the short cut of satan .
Shortcuts will cut you short.Don't allow the comments of people to shapen your life.

2. Familiarity is seen when someone finds faults with the leader and with his person.
.............. Is not this the carpenter ,the son of Mary ,the brother of James, and Jose's,and of Judas, and Simon?and are not his sisters here with us?And they took offense at him.

                     Mark 6:2-3

Familiar people evaluate you in a carnal and natural way. Christ himself was evaluated carnally and naturally by his own people and due to that they missed their miracles.

3.Familiarity is seen when someone attempts to correct his leader.

Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, be it far thee,Lord: this shall not be unto thee.

             Matthew 16:22

Peter began to feel "extra free" after he was told "flesh and blood has not revealed this to you." He thought that he could now correct Jesus. Although every leader needs to be corrected, a subordinate is not qualified to do this.

I Pray for someone doing the reading that may the spirit of familiarity be broken by fire in Jesus mighty name.

God bless you for doing the reading and if Jesus tarries next week I shall come your way again with another refreshing and inspiring word.

