The entire UNIVERSITY FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES; her lecturers and students alike should be proud of moments such as this. How wonderful and joyful it is for a teacher to teach a student and to see that student excel in life. Indeed I do maintain that the pride of every teacher is to see his/her student develop into persons of a noble class. Any teacher that do not or is not able to help his/her learner achieve what he has achieved and even more in life is not worth being called a teacher.
That same way, a learner who achieves nothing has learnt nothing. It is always necessary and probably the most important thing for a learner to do is to make his/her teacher have a smiling face should they have an opportunity to meet in the future ahead for both parties. If your teacher sees you and is disappointed to have been your teacher then I do maintain again that, the said student is not worth been called a learner or a student. For whatever name you may want to give to such a person I have little to say about that. My only stance is that, do not call such a person a learner or a student.

For about four (4) years of stay in the University for Development Studies (Wa campus), I can say that the government of Ghana has not been so much helpful to this noble institution in several ways. I will be very wrong to say that government has entirely ignored us, but I will as well not be entirely wrong to say that the government has ignored us. In whichever way it is, THIS University which many has named in so many draconian ways has produced GENERALS for the nation. In fact, many generals who will take this nation to another level of progress and color are still been paraded and will soon be out for display. As a feminist, I would quickly consider only two of these female generals.
In just some few days, months and precisely some 2 years back, a young elegant flamboyant smart lady by name BACI mounted the platform of the Ghana's Most Beautiful beauty pageantry organized by TV3, a television network based in Ghana and as her school the University for Development Studies had inculcated in her, won "hands down". It was not a surprise to any Ghanaian who followed proceedings of that beauty pageantry after BACI was declared winner. Initially, one after hearing she was a student of the University for Development Studies (WA campus) could ask; can anything good come from WA? In between the lines of the contest, the mindset of many skeptics changed. They could now have their answers even before the contest was over.

Just this month of October, another character has arisen from the desert. LYDIA DARLINGTON FORDJOUR, a student of this noble institution is in the race to winning a fantastic prize. I see her winning it and so I can boldly say that, UDS has taught us well and we as students should be proud of our school. As a student who graduated from the University for Development Studies in 2014 studying Development Education, she started work at Radio Upper West as a radio broadcaster. Even in school, one would have noticed the passion this diligent lady had for writing and radio work. Just like BACI, I am personally not surprised to have heard that she has been nominated for the NORTHERN SECTOR RADIO PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR in the upcoming RTP AWARDS which comes off Saturday, 22nd October, 2016 at the Accra Conference Center. As way of campaigning for my fellow developer I would like to quickly call on you to dial RTP LYDIA and send to the short code 1446 all networks. This will secure her chances of winning this great award.
Once a UDS student, always a developer. In the entire nation called Ghana, I am yet to see a tertiary institution which thinks about and has the development of rural areas at heart except UDS. There is no place to be than this great institution called the University for Development Studies (UDS). Our Third Trimester Field Practical Programme (TTFPP) is one thing that makes our school unique from all other schools. The "so called prominent" tertiary institutions in Ghana should begin to learn from this noble institution by way that, we all must be in one accord to develop the rural areas in Ghana. Like a teacher who should not be called a teacher because he/she could not groom anybody to becoming a better person, so must development not be mentioned until all rural communities are liberated from developmental discrimination. My fellow students have died in various communities because they accepted to develop areas where even government officials would dare not go. The government has left all these people living in the deepest rural areas to their fate but we say "Once a UDS student, always a developer".
In Ghana, it is hardly you see the name of our school being mentioned in the agenda of the state, on radio, TV, newspapers or whatever medium or platform. Not even will any of our lecturers be called on phone to make their academic views known on issues of national concern ranging from politics, economics, society or religion. It is pathetic. I have personally sent several texts to most platforms to which national discourse is been made but just as it is sent, no one reads them. Probably it is not been read because I do attach the name of my school which I am personally proud of. UDS has been sidelined in so many ways YET we the students of this development oriented school are bold to say WE ARE PROUD OF OUR SCHOOL IN WHATEVER MANNER IT IS.
As a matter of fact, I would like to take this opportunity to make a clarion call on Organizations with like-minded developmental agenda to come to the support of the University for Development Studies. The media outfit of Ghana and the state institutions should as well come to our aid to help us with infrastructure that which will go a long way to aiding our academia. Like I earlier said, some generals are already out there making the developmental agenda of this school a reality and many are those yet to come.
The government of Ghana, all media houses in Ghana, Organizations and the likes should know that "THE UNIVERSITY FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES IS NOT A DEAD SCHOOL. IT IS ALIVE! I also urge all students of this noble institution to be proud of this institution because "ONCE A UDS STUDENT, ALWAYS A DEVELOPER". Therefore, what distinguishes us from all other institutions in this country is our ability to penetrate even where the government with all its numerous resources dare not trend because it is not of political concern to her. UDS has done and is doing what Napoleon could not do.

Written by;
Reindolf Amankwa
(UDS-WA Campus).

